About Us

The bare bones of the card game Seven! were first designed by Julian Stewart and Jarn La Rooij, both Kiwis, in around 2009. The first pack was drawn with a pen on blank business cards and was play tested with friends and girlfriends as the months went by.

A LOT of people helped with the play testing and giving their feedback. The next step was testing the game on complete strangers, who were all asked to play the game and then fill out an anonymous survey online to give brutally honest feedback.

Some of the feedback received was indeed brutal so they made some more adjustments before self-publishing the game for the first time in 2011.

In December 2011, Seven! received the 'Major Fun Award', an award given by a group of game testers based in Indiana, USA, to games that are found to be 'major fun'.

Both Julian and Jarn are from Christchurch, in the South Island of New Zealand. They are good mates and went to school together back in the old days.

Julian is working on his new startup PocketParty.app which is well worth checking out.

Jarn’s main goal is taking Seven! to the next level. His other goals include learning Spanish and saving up for his first house.

Free Sample Packs of Seven

If you know of a school, games club, organisation, someone in hospital, etc. who you think would
benefit from a free box of Seven, shoot us a quick email email and we'll get a package in the mail to them.

Send your email to info@greenstonegames.com

Stay in the Loop:

Guarantee for Seven

To give people confidence to try Seven, we have a no questions asked money-back guarantee.

Simply email us some form of proof that you bought a copy (a photo is enough) to: info@greenstonegames.com

Feel free to give any feedback on how to improve Seven. We often make changes based on what people have mentioned.

There is no time limit for this guarantee.

Credits For Seven


Esther Ha
Alan MacDonald
David Withington
Yifei Tang

Play Testers

We have had a lot of friends and strangers help us play test Seven, and we're extremely grateful for everybody's feedback and criticism. Send all feedback to:

Graphic Ddesign

Missing Cards?

If your box of Seven is missing any cards, email us at info@greenstonegames.com

If you need replacement cards due to cards getting damaged or lost, email us and we'll see what we can do.

Chinese Translation of Seven

You can now get Seven in Mandarin Chinese!

Our Taiwanese publisher, Swan Panasia, has sold over 4000 Chinese copies and is preparing a third print run.

Click here to get a Chinese pack.

Discounts Available

Email us at sales@greenstonegames.com if you want more than 1 pack.

Early Drawings and Factory

Below you can see some photos of the very first sketches that would become part of Seven!

Further down are some factory photos where the game was first made in Taiwan.